Awaken an Angel: The Otherkin, Book 1
M. Pickard. M. Pickard, $2.99 e-book (301p) ASIN B079THDQR1
Pickard tangles love and prophecy in this brisk paranormal romance series launch. Seven-year-old Mia runs into the street to save a dog, and is almost struck by a fast-moving van. Luke, a good demon, saves Mia and coaxes her into believing angels and demons exist. He returns each time Mia is in need, gradually revealing more about why he’s in Mia’s life and what larger forces of good and evil are at work. Pickard puts a fresh spin on the oft-told tale of destined mates fighting evil to save the world, creating an understandable magic system and intriguing mystery. However, much of the story is explained in narration, with little action. Readers will find Mia a quick-witted, genuine, and emotionally available heroine who’s evenly matched by Luke’s thoughtful intensity and devotion as their relationship grows. This story will appeal to many readers of paranormal romance. (BookLife)
Reviewed on: 08/13/2018
Genre: Fiction